Chak Hao Rice (The Black Rice)

Chak Hao rice is a unique variety of rice that is grown in the Indian state of Manipur. It is known for its distinctive black color. The sweet aroma is considered as delicacy. In recent years, it has gained popularity not only for its culinary properties but also for its health benefits and cultural significance.

In this blog post, we will provide an in-depth analysis of Chak Hao rice, based on real-time data and research. Our objective is to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of it, including its history, nutritional and health benefits, culinary applications, economic and environmental impact, market trends, and consumer behavior.

History of Chak Hao Rice

Chak Hao rice has been cultivated in Manipur for centuries. It plays an vital role in the state’s economy and culture. The word “Chak Hao” means “delicious rice” in the Manipuri language. The rice is grown in the valley regions of Manipur, where the soil and climate are ideal for its cultivation. Traditionally, This rice was grown using organic methods, without the use of chemical fertilizers or pesticides. The rice was also hand-pounded and processed, which gave it a distinct flavor and texture.

Over time, the cultivation and processing of Chak Hao rice have undergone significant changes. Today, farmers use hybrid seeds, modern irrigation techniques, and mechanized processing methods to increase yields and reduce labor costs. However, there is still a significant demand for traditionally grown and processed this rice, which is considered to be of higher quality and more flavorful.

Nutritional and Health Benefits of Chak Hao Rice

Chak Hao rice is nutritious and healthy. Its lower glycemic index along with its vitamin, mineral, and antioxidant content make it ideal for diabetes and blood sugar controllers. High-fiber rice helps digestion. It also reduces the possibility of heart disease and other chronic diseases.

The Department of Food Science and Technology at Assam Agricultural University found that this rice had more phenolic compounds, flavonoids, and anthocyanins than other rice cultivars. Antioxidants and anti-inflammatories in these substances help prevent disease.

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The health benefits of Chak Hao rice include

Antioxidants in abundance is very helpful for our body. It help’s to minimize the risk of chronic illnesses like cancer as well as diabetes and many heart disease.

High dietary fibred intake, which helps enhance digestion and lower the risk of digestive diseases.
Low glycemic index help’s controlling blood sugar levels. It also lower the risk of developing diabetes.
Anti-inflammatory can aid in reducing bodily inflammation and preventing chronic illnesses.

The nutritional value of Chak Hao rice per 100g includes

  1. Energy: 345 kcal
  2. Protein: 7.7 g
  3. Fat: 2.6 g
  4. Carbohydrates: 75.3 g
  5. Fiber: 3.6 g
  6. Calcium: 19 mg
  7. Iron: 1.2 mg
  8. Magnesium: 143 mg
  9. Phosphorus: 283 mg
  10. Potassium: 223 mg
  11. Sodium: 5 mg
  12. Zinc: 2 mg
  13. Vitamin B1: 0.4 mg
  14. Vitamin B2: 0.1 mg
  15. Niacin: 1.6 mg

Culinary Applications of Chak Hao Rice

In Manipur, it is used in a number of regional foods, including Chak Hao chakhao kheer, a black rice pudding, and Chak Hao amubi, a savoury rice dish. Additionally, the rice is employed in contemporary cooking, where it is frequently served with seafood, meat, or vegetables.

Rice from Chak Hao has a distinct flavour and texture that distinguish it from other kinds of rice. The nutty aroma and slightly mushy appearance serve as a perfect ingredient in rice bowls, the stir-fries or dishes with salad. Additionally, the rice has a characteristic black hue that gives dishes more visual appeal.

Economic and Environmental Impact of Chak Hao Rice

Chak Hao rice has both economic and environmental impacts. For farmers in Manipur, rice production is a significant source of revenue. It provides a living for many individuals. The state of Manipur produces over 40,000 metric tones of this rice yearly, bringing in about Rs. 120 crore in revenue. According the report by the Department of Agriculture, Manipur. The state’s economy benefits greatly from these revenues, which also give the nearby communities employment opportunities.

However, the cultivation and processing of Chak Hao rice also have environmental impacts.The chemical, fertilizers and pesticides can pollute the land and water. The employment of modern methods and equipment may raise carbon emissions. In addition, the high demand for this rice can lead to over-cultivation and the depletion of natural resources.

To mitigate these impacts, there have been efforts to promote sustainable methods of cultivation and processing of Chak Hao rice. For example, some farmers have started using organic and natural methods, and there have been initiatives to develop eco-friendly processing techniques. These efforts not only help reduce the environmental impact of it cultivation but also contribute to the preservation of traditional farming practices.

Chak Hao Rice

The market for Chak Hao rice has grown in recent years, with an increasing demand for this unique variety of rice. Superfoods and healthy eating are driving the worldwide black rice industry to $3.3 billion by 2025, according to Grand View Research.

In Manipur, there has been a significant increase in the demand for it, both domestically and internationally. According to the Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority, Manipur exported approximately 1,450 metric tons of Chak Hao rice in 2019-2020, generating a revenue of approximately Rs. 4.38 crore.

Consumer behavior towards this rice has also changed in recent years, with a growing awareness of its nutritional and health benefits. Customers’ willingness to pay a premium for this rice has driven up its price and demand.

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Growing process of Chak Hao Rice

The growing process of Chak Hao rice, also known as black rice, starts with selecting the right variety of seed. Farmers in Manipur typically use local varieties of this rice that are well adapted to the local climate and growing conditions. After around 25-30 days of growing in a nursery, the seeds are prepared for their taken onto the main planting area.

Preparing the soil

Chak Hao rice is typically grown in lowland areas that are flooded with water. Water is essential for the growth of rice plants, and the flooded fields aid in the prevention of weeds and pests. The traditional technique of transplantation seeds is by hand. Farmers space the rows 20-25 cm apart. Then they plant the newly ground plants at a depth of 2-3 cm.

The growing period for this rice is typically around 120-130 days, during which the plants require regular care and attention. This includes applying fertilizers and pesticides as needed, and monitoring the water levels in the fields to ensure that the rice plants are not flooded or waterlogged.

The traditional methods of cultivation, modern agricultural techniques can also be employed to increase the yield of Chak Hao rice. These techniques include the use of hybrid seeds, integrated pest management, and precision irrigation, which can help improve crop productivity while minimizing environmental impact.

Chak Hao Rice


Harvesting of Chak Hao rice usually takes place in October or November, depending on the specific variety and growing conditions. Farmers typically harvest the rice manually using sickles, and the rice is left to dry in the sun for around a week before being threshed.

On average the it in Manipur produced around 2-3 tons per hectare. This is relatively low compared to other varieties of rice. This is partly due to the fact that it is a traditional crop that is grown using traditional methods, and farmers may not have access to modern agricultural technologies and inputs.

Despite its low yields, Chak Hao rice is an important crop in Manipur and is valued for its unique taste, aroma, and nutritional benefits. Efforts are underway to promote the production and consumption of this rice, while also supporting local farmers and promoting sustainable agriculture practices. These initiatives aim to ensure that this important crop continues to thrive and benefits both the people and the environment of Northeast India.

Case Study: Chak Hao Rice in a Local Restaurant


The food of Manipur is well-known for being exotic and varied. This means employing time-honored techniques and ingredients in the kitchen. Chak Hao rice, a local variety of black rice, is a staple ingredient in Manipuri cuisine, and is used in a variety of dishes, from simple rice preparations to elaborate desserts. Recently, there has been a growing demand for this rice in Manipur, driven by the increasing popularity of superfoods and healthy eating trends. In response to this demand, a local restaurant, the “Chak Hao Kheer House”, has started using Chak Hao rice in its signature dish, Chak Hao Kheer.


The Chak Hao Kheer House faced several challenges in incorporating Chak Hao rice into its menu. Firstly, Chak Hao rice is more expensive than other varieties of rice, which could potentially increase the cost of the dish and affect its profitability. Secondly, this rice requires a longer cooking time than other varieties, which could affect the speed of service and customer satisfaction. Finally, there was a risk that customers might not be familiar with Chak Hao rice and might be hesitant to try the dish.


To overcome these challenges, the Chak Hao Kheer House took several steps. Firstly, it sourced Chak Hao rice directly from local farmers, ensuring that the rice was of high quality and ethically sourced. This allowed the restaurant to support local farmers and promote sustainable agriculture practices. Secondly, it experimented with different cooking techniques to reduce the cooking time of it without compromising its quality. The restaurant might serve quickly without compromising flavor. Finally, the restaurant provided information to customers about the health benefits and cultural significance of this rice, encouraging them to try the dish and appreciate its unique flavor.


The introduction of Chak Hao rice to the menu of the Chak Hao Kheer House was a success. This native ingredient attracted customers, who paid more for the meal. The restaurant’s signature dish, Chak Hao Kheer, became popular among locals and tourists alike, with many customers returning to try the dish again. Customers loved the restaurant’s rice and their honesty. The use of this rice in the dish also helped to promote the cultural significance of the ingredient, raising awareness about the importance of preserving local food traditions.


The use of Chak Hao rice in the Chak Hao Kheer House is a great example of how local ingredients can be incorporated into modern cuisine to create unique and culturally significant dishes. By sourcing Chak Hao rice directly from local farmers and promoting sustainable agriculture practices, the restaurant was able to support local communities and promote environmental sustainability.

By experimenting with cooking techniques and providing information to customers, the restaurant was able to overcome the challenges of incorporating Chak Hao rice into its menu and create a successful signature dish. This case study highlights the importance of preserving local food traditions and promoting sustainable agriculture practices while also catering to the evolving tastes and preferences of modern consumers.

Chak Hao Rice

Research summary on Chak Hao rice:

Northeast India, especially the state of Manipur, is home to a significant amount of Chak hao rice cultivation and consumption. Due to its great nutritional content, Chak hao rice is regarded as a “superfood” and is an essential part of Manipuri cuisine.

Health Benefits

Research has shown that Chak Hao rice has several health benefits. This rich is a source of antioxidants. Particularly the anthocyanins. This helps to a reduced risk of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease. Not only that it also decrease the chance of diabetes, and cancer. Chak Hao rice is also high in dietary fiber, which helps aid digestion and lower the incidence of gastrointestinal diseases. Chak Hao rice also has a low glycemic index. It can help manage blood sugar levels with diabetes.

Chak Hao rice also possesses anti-inflammatory characteristics, which can help reduce inflammation in the body and prevent chronic illnesses, according to research. According to one study, Chak Hao rice has better anti-inflammatory action than other rice kinds, including white rice and brown rice.

Cultural Influence

In addition to its health benefits, Chak Hao rice is also an important cultural symbol in Manipuri society. It is used in a variety of traditional dishes, including Chak Hao kheer (rice pudding), Chak Hao Amubi (rice porridge), and Chak Hao chakpa (rice with vegetables). The use of Chak Hao rice in these dishes is a key element of Manipuri identity and culture, and is an important part of the state’s heritage.


Despite its many benefits, the production and consumption of Chak Hao rice are facing several challenges. The biggest challenges is the high cost of production. Now a days it is difficult for farmers to cultivate and sell the rice. Additionally, the lack of awareness about the health benefits and cultural significance of Chak Hao rice can make it difficult to market and promote the rice to a wider audience.

To address these challenges, there have been several initiatives to promote the production and consumption of Chak Hao rice. These include campaigns to raise awareness of rice’s health and cultural advantages and assist local farmers and sustainable agriculture. There have also been efforts to develop new products and recipes using Chak Hao rice, in order to appeal to modern consumers and increase the demand for the rice.

Final Words

Chak Hao rice is a valuable and culturally significant crop in northeast India. Its many health benefits. It have high antioxidant content. Anti-inflammatory properties are also. Which make’s it an important component of a healthy diet. Efforts to promote the production and consumption of Chak Hao rice, while also supporting local farmers and promoting sustainable agriculture practices, can help to ensure that this important crop continues to thrive and benefit both the people and the environment of northeast India.

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Chak Hao Rice


In conclusion, this rice is a unique and culturally significant variety of rice that has gained popularity in recent years for its nutritional and health benefits, culinary applications, and economic value. While its cultivation and processing have undergone significant changes over time, efforts are being made to promote sustainable methods that preserve traditional farming practices and reduce environmental impact.

The demand for Chak Hao rice is growing every day. Now it is important to ensure its cultivation and processing remains sustainable and beneficial for local communities. By understanding the history, nutritional value, culinary applications, economic impact, and market trends of Chak Hao rice, we can appreciate its significance and contribute to its preservation and promotion.

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