The Dasheri Mango: A Tropical Delight Worth Savoring

The dasheri mango is often considered the most delicious and coveted variety of mango in India. With its unmistakable aroma, soft pulp and intense sweetness, it’s easy to see why the dasheri mango has gained legendary status among mango aficionados.

A Brief Description About Dasheri Mango

The origins of this mango can be traced back over 400 years to the orchards of Dasheri village near Kakori in Uttar Pradesh, India. The mango was named after the village where it was first cultivated. It is believed that the mango is a natural hybrid of various wild mangoes that were crossed with existing cultivars. Over centuries of careful nurturing and selection, this mango developed its highly prized characteristics.

Dasheri Mango

This mangoes have a distinct appearance. They are elongated and kidney-shaped, with a greenish-yellow skin that turns golden yellow when ripe. The pulp is a deep orange color and has a creamy, fibreless texture. Each fruit weighs between 250-350 grams on average.

The most defining feature of this mango is its unmistakable aroma and sweet taste. Dasheri mangoes are exceptionally fragrant, with a rich, fruity smell that evokes tropical lushness. When perfectly ripe, their soft pulp yields easily to pressure and explodes with sweet, tropical flavors. The taste is rich and luscious, with notes of peach, apricot and melon.

Know About: The White Mulberry Plant (Morus Alba)

Origins and History

The origins of this mango can be traced back to the 18th century in the village of Dasheri near Lucknow in northern India. The lush mango orchards in this region produced exceptionally delicious mangoes that became highly sought after.

This authentic mango is believed to be a natural hybrid between the Gopal Bhog and Neelum mangoes that were crossed with local varieties. The new hybrid was grafted and nurtured in the orchards of Nawab Mohammad Ansar Zaidi, the then ruler of the area. Over many generations, the mango was improved through careful selection until it developed its unique properties.

Miyazaki Mango Plant

Dasheri mango was named after the Dasheri village where it originated. It was first cultivated and popularized around the area of Malihabad, also known as the “mango belt of Uttar Pradesh”. From here, its fame spread throughout India. This mango cultivation is now prominent in various parts of north and south India.

This mango has a rich history and an almost legendary status among mango connoisseurs. Its sweetness and flavor have made it one of the most sought-after mangoes in India for over 200 years. Even today, this mangoes remain highly prized and are exported around the world.

Dasheri Mango

Appearance and Flavor

It has a distinctive appearance. The shape is long and oval resembling a kidney, with a characteristic bent tip on one end. Unripe this mangoes are green in color, turning light green and then yellow as they ripen. When fully ripe, this mangoes develop an attractive golden yellow color.

The mango’s skin is smooth and delicate. This mangoes are generally medium-sized, weighing between 250-350 grams. The inside pulp is deep orange, soft and succulent without much fiber. The skin of the mango is edible when ripe.

The most defining characteristic of the mango is its intensely sweet and aromatic flavor. It has a rich, tropical fragrance and smooth, creamy texture. The pulp is soft and succulent, bursting with complex flavors. Ripe mangoes taste wonderfully sweet with hints of peach, melon and mild citrus.

Dasheri have a higher sugar content compared to many other mango varieties, giving them their legendary sweetness. They also contain various aromatic compounds like terpenes and lactones that produce their signature tropical fragrance. When perfectly ripe, dasheries are nothing short of a tropical delight for the senses.

What Makes Dasheri Mangoes So Special?

The mango is prized for several qualities that make it exceptionally delicious and unique compared to other mango varieties. Its intense aroma, soft texture, rich sweetness and complex flavor profile come together to produce an unforgettable tropical treat.

Dasheri Mango


One of the most distinctive features of the mango is its intensely fruity and floral fragrance. This mangoes are packed with aromatic compounds like terpenes, esters, lactones and furanones that produce their signature scent.

When perfectly ripe, this mangoes permeate the air with a rich, tropical aroma reminiscent of peaches, melon and citrus blossoms. This exceptional fragrance arises from the skin and pulp of the mango and is impossible to resist.

The dasheri’s extraordinary fragrance comes from the unique combination of aromatic compounds found in this variety. The abundance of terpenes gives it a sweet, floral smell while esters and lactones impart fruity and peachy notes. This creates an unmistakable tropical fragrance that is unique to the mango.

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In addition to its fragrance, this mango is highly prized for its soft, creamy texture. The flesh of the dasheri mango is fibreless and succulent with abundant juices.

When ripe, the flesh yields easily under gentle pressure. The first bite floods the mouth with smooth pulp and sweet juices. The lack of fibrousness allows this mango to almost melt in the mouth with little effort.

This soft, creamy texture comes from the flesh structure and higher moisture content of dasheres. The pulp contains lower amounts of insoluble pectin fiber that allows it to liquefy readily. The abundance of juices also impart smoothness and creaminess.

The velvety texture combined with sweetness makes dasheries a pleasure to consume. The pulp seems to caress the palate, allowing full enjoyment of its lush flavor. This texture has made dasheri one of the most coveted mangoes in the world.

Sweet and Tangy Taste

Of course, the star feature of the mango is its sweet, rich and complex taste. When perfectly ripe, this mangoes explode with syrupy sweetness balanced by mild tartness.

This mangoes contain higher amounts of natural sugars compared to other mango varieties. Glucose and fructose levels increase as the mango ripens, imparting intense sweetness to the pulp. Acids like citric, succinic and malic acid also decline, allowing the sugars to shine.

These natural sugars and fruit acids come together to produce a taste experience that is decadently sweet with a hint of tanginess. Flavor notes evoke tropical delights like peach, melon, pineapple and lemon. The complexity and depth of flavors is what makes the this mango so special.

This natural blend of sugars and acids is aided by aromatic compounds like lactones that impart peachy undertones. The smooth, creamy texture allows each lush flavor to blossom on the palate. The mango is truly the queen when it comes to mango taste and flavor.

Dasheri Mango
Alphonso Mango Plant

Health Benefits of Dasheri Mangoes

In addition to being delicious, dasheri provide a wealth of nutritional and health benefits. Mangoes are packed with healthy vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber that make them a nutritious super fruit.

High in Vitamins and Minerals

Dasheri mangoes are an excellent source of essential vitamins and minerals. Just one mango contains high amounts of vitamin C, vitamin A, B vitamins, potassium, copper and magnesium.

Vitamin C promotes immunity and skin health, while vitamin A benefits vision and cell growth. Dasheri also provide fiber, vitamin E, calcium and iron. Consuming mangoes regularly can help meet daily nutritional requirements.

The vitamins and minerals in dasheri provide a range of health benefits. Vitamin C and antioxidants boost immunity and lower inflammation. The B vitamins aid metabolism and brain function. Minerals like potassium help control heart rate and blood pressure.

Antioxidants and Phytochemicals

In addition to vitamins, dasheries are rich in beneficial plant compounds like carotenoids, polyphenols, quercetin and mangiferin. These powerful antioxidants and phytochemicals have extensive health promoting effects.

Carotenoids like beta-carotene support eye health and enhance immunity. Polyphenols protect cells from damage and lower risk of chronic diseases. Mangiferin has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic and antiviral properties.

Regularly consuming antioxidants from dasheri mangoes can help neutralize harmful free radicals and lower oxidative stress in the body. This helps reduce inflammation which is the root of many chronic diseases and age-related damage.

Know About: The White Mulberry Plant (Morus Alba)

Fiber and Digestion

Despite having soft, fibreless pulp, dasheri still provide soluble dietary fiber. This fiber benefits digestion, gut health and heart health.

The fiber feeds healthy gut bacteria which improves digestion and nutrient absorption. A healthy gut microbiome also boosts immunity. Fiber regulates digestion, prevents constipation and maintains healthy cholesterol levels.

While the mango lacks insoluble fiber, the soluble pectin fiber it contains still imparts many benefits. The fiber content combined with easy digestibility makes dasheri ideal for smooth digestion.

Selecting and Enjoying Dasheri Mangoes

Dasheries reach their peak flavor and texture when allowed to fully ripen. Follow these tips for choosing perfect dasheri and savoring their deliciousness.

Dasheri Mango

Picking the Perfect Dasheri

When selecting this mangoes, choose fruits that have an enticing fruity aroma and golden yellow skin. Avoid any blemishes, spots or shriveling. The mango should feel firm but yield slightly under gentle pressure.

Size is also an indicator of ripeness. Dasheries weigh between 200-350g when ready to eat. Opt for medium-sized mangoes for the best flavor. mangoes, especially for dasheri.

Storing and Ripening Dasheri Mangoes

Store unripe dasheri mangoes at room temperature to allow them to ripen fully. Keeping them in a paper bag speeds up ripening. Ripe dasheri mangoes can be refrigerated for 2-3 days to slow further ripening.

Check for ripeness by aroma, softness and appearance. Enjoy dasheri mangoes within a day or two of ripeness for the richest flavor. Let any cut fruit pieces refrigerate for longer storage.

Simple Recipes Using Dasheri Mangoes

Ripe dasheri mangoes are delicious eaten plain, but there are also many wonderful ways to use them:

  • Blend it pulp into smoothies, lassi or milkshakes
  • Dice mango into salsas, chutneys and relishes
  • Puree into coulis for desserts
  • Mix mango chunks into yogurt or ice cream
  • Grill sliced dasheri mangoes for unique sorbets
  • Infuse diced mangoes into water or seltzer for refreshment

The sweet richness of dasheri mangoes pairs wonderfully with spices, citrus and herbs. Let the mango’s natural glory shine through by keeping preparations simple.

The Dasheri Mangoes Significance in Indian Culture

In India, the mango holds a special significance culturally, religiously and economically. This legendary fruit is intertwined with traditions.

Dasheri Mango

Religious and Spiritual Importance

Mangoes, especially dasheri, are an auspicious fruit in Hinduism. They are offered to deities and consumed during festivals and fasts. Mangoes symbolize prosperity, health and fertility. This mango is linked to legends about Lord Buddha, who is said to have meditated under a mango tree. Mangoes also play a role in legends about the Hindu god, Krishna.

Culinary Uses

No Indian meal is complete without mangoes. This mangoes feature prominently in chutneys, pickles, sabzis and desserts. Mangoes are essential for chaat, salads, lassi and other Indian delights.

In addition, this mango pulp is used to make refreshing drinks like aam panna, mango shake and falooda. Savoring mangoes is a favorite Indian summer tradition.

Economic and Agricultural Role

India is the world’s largest mango producer, driven by dasheri cultivation. Mangoes account for over 50% of India’s total fruit production. The mango industry employs millions of farmers, vendors and workers. The mango exports also bring in significant revenue. India exports dasheri mangoes to over 40 countries. This mango is invaluable to India’s economy and food culture.

Where to Find Dasheri Mangoes

Though native to northern India, dasheri mango availability has spread globally due to exports. You can find dasheri mangoes in many specialty grocery stores and online stores.

Dasheri Mango

Buying Dasheri Mangoes Online

Reputable online fruit sellers ship fresh dasheri mangoes worldwide when in season. Choose mangoes that are mature but firm for shipping. Quick delivery helps retain freshness and flavor.

Locations That Sell Dasheri Mangoes

Look for dasheri mangoes in Indian grocery stores, high-end supermarkets and fruit stands in cities with large Indian populations. Mangoes are readily available from spring through summer.

Farmer’s markets also stock fresh dasheri mangoes in season. You may find locally grown dasheri mangoes in warmer regions like California, Florida and Texas.

Experience This Tropical Fruit for Yourself

The legendary of this mango certainly lives up to its reputation with its ambrosial flavor, tantalizing fragrance and velvety texture. Its sweetness evokes tropical lushness in every bite.

Take the opportunity to enjoy dasheri mangoes when you can. Bite into this sensational superfruit and savor a taste of the tropics.

Add Dasheri Mangoes to Your Diet

Incorporate dasheri mangoes into fruit salads, salsas, lassi and other recipes. Or simply enjoy them plain as a snack or dessert. Mangoes add nutritional value, flavor and variety to meals.

Bring the Sweetness Home

Season for this mango is limited, so enjoy them while supplies last. Freeze excess diced mango or puree to make smoothies, chutneys and ice creams long after the season is over. Let mango delight last all year round.

Know About: The Joy of Fruit Plant Gardening,

Dasheri Mango


The dasheri mango is unmatched in its fragrance, texture and taste. This aromatic fruit deserves its reputation as the most delectable mango variety. Its ambrosial sweetness provides a sublime culinary experience along with abundant nutrition. Sinking your teeth into a ripe mango is nothing short of a tropical daydream. While found best in India, dasheri mangoes can transport you to paradise wherever you are.

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